Winston Hills Tigers Junior Rugby League Club
We aim to provide a child safe environment for all members and to ensure its safeguarding and child protection strategies are adhered to. The support and protection of all involved including players, parents, Board members, coaching staff and volunteers is our highest priority.
Working with Children
The Winston Hills JRLC abides by the following governing legislation:
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW)
Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012
Ombudsman Act 1974
The Working with Children Check (WWCC) conducted under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 is a minimum requirement of all registered volunteers performing roles on behalf of the Winston Hills JRLC. The WWCC aims to increase the safety of children in the community by ensuring people who have a criminal history that indicates they may harm children do not actually ‘work’ with children and represents one element of providing a child safe environment.
Child Safe Standards
The Winston Hills JRLC support and are guided by the 10 principles of Child Safe Standards as adopted in relevant NSW Legislation, together with the NRL Child Safe Code of Behaviour.
We also provide the services of a Child Protection Officer who you are able to contact with any queries, concerns or reports:
Winston Hills JRLC Child Support Officer: Mark BYRNES
“The Winston Hills Junior Rugby League Club is committed to promoting, encouraging and supporting strategies that create safe environments for your children’s participation in our sport.”